What you need to know about big five

In our national parks here in Tanzania, we have a lot to offer to guests/clients when it comes to wildlife because it has rich biodiversity ranging from beautiful flora and fauna which attract big numbers of guests/clients in the world. Today I will write about The Big five animals.

The term big five was invented by hunters based on how difficult they were to hunt yet they were the most sought-after animals during hunting but due to increased regulations in national parks today hunting has decreased which gives guests an opportunity to spot the big five wildlife animals in national parks and other protected area.

The Big five animals are African Lions, African Elephant, African Leopard, Cape Buffalo and Rhino. The reason behind why are they called Big Five Animals in our Nationals Parks are;

These animals are called the big five because of the danger they pose and how difficult they are to hunt. For example, Elephants are difficult to hunt despite their large size, they are able to hide in thick bush and are more likely to charge than the other big five species.

They are extremely dangerous to pursue on foot and many hunters have lost their lives while trying to get that prestigious trophy. In other words, we can say that they primarily hunt back.

Finally, don’t miss an opportunity to visit national parks to spot these big five animals when you’re in Tanzania. Tanzania is the best country that gives you opportunity to be able to observe all of these Big five animals because it harbors the largest populations of each of these Animals. The national parks that these Big five animals can be spotted  is at Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tarangire national park, Arusha national park and Serengeti national park in Tanzania. You can make a visit to learn more.

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